Saturday 29 January 2011

End of a long lay off.

After not being able to get out onto the banks for well over a month, due to work and then the weather, the time arrived where I could dust off the rods and get back on the banks.
It was still as cold a day as I can remember ever fishing in, with a freezing wind that was chilling me to the core.
Myself and Dan set off at 9am for a days pike fishing on a private water a few miles from home, this water has in the past give up a few 30lb fish but over the years it has become a real challenge to to get anything of any size with a mid to high double now being a very good fish, but the thing with pike fishing is that you just never know, there must be the odd big girl still laying in an ambush point some place and maybe with a little luck I might be the one who puts that bait in the right place at the right time.
Our attack for the day was to walk and try any likely area we found, this we did for about 4 hours with the only action being me hooking into a pike not much bigger then the lure but it came off after a few seconds.
With the wind ripping my ears off my head we thought we should head to the car and try another venue and try bait fishing.
Ten minutes later and we where at our new venue and set up to fish half a small mackerel under a float.
We had only been there about 20 mins when Dan let out a cry to catch my attention from the next swim a walked down the narrow path to find him bent into a fish and after a short fight a long lean predator was in the net. Not record breaker but at 7lb 2oz it was nice just to see a fish on the bank in such conditions.
We sat it out for a few hours with no more joy so I moved to sit my bait rod next to Dan, I flicked it tight to some bushes and asked Dan to watch it as I was going to flick a lure around a couple of pegs down.
On my second cast with my lure Dan called out with a short whistle, and I rushed back to short distance to see him bending into a second fish, but this time it was on my rod, so Dan handed my rod to me and I was soon netting fish number two of the day, as I brought the fish to the net it gave a tail walk that was great to see and the gave up and rolled into the waiting net.
Smaller then Dans at only 3lb 10oz, I didn't mind at all, because the day for me was about being on the bank and catching a fish was just the an added bonus, how nice it was to get a bend in the rod after such a long lay off, I hope I am able to get a few more days in now the weather has changed a little, I will keep you updated and will upload my photo's from this trip soon.

1 comment:

BorneoAngler said...

Niceblog,am following.
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